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April 17, 2023 5 min read

Every woman’s pregnancy journey is rewarding, unique and at times, completely exhausting too! Let’s face it – sleep is important.

The benefits of getting your eight hours each night have long been endorsed by health professionals and getting quality sleep couldn’t be more important when you are pregnant. During pregnancy your immune system is working overtime and is at times suppressed in order to support your body, so rest and recovery in the form of sleep actually helps to keep your immune system healthy.

It’s no secret that sleep is key, but when you are battling against night-time nausea and morning sickness, getting the sleep your body craves can feel like an impossible task. If your morning sickness is keeping you up at night, consider our blog as your definitive guide to overcoming night-time nausea and ensuring that sleep is prioritised throughout the duration of your pregnancy – after all, you might not be getting those precious eight hours when your little one first arrives!

Understanding Morning Sickness

Though highly unpleasant, morning sickness is actually extremely common, especially in early pregnancy. Characterised by feelings of queasiness, morning sickness is often accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms including vomiting, nausea, dizziness and even light-headedness.

According to the NHS, morning sickness is most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and tends to disappear completely by week 20 of pregnancy.

Causes of Night-Time Nausea

If you’ve read our guide to morning sickness you’ll know that one of the biggest challenges when it comes to pregnancy nausea is its unpredictability. In short, it can strike at any time, despite the name! That’s not to say that women don’t fall into patterns though, and some are more likely to experience night-time nausea as opposed to sickness throughout the day. The reasons for this are largely unknown, but it’s thought that it is caused by an increase in estrogen and progesterone which subsequently impact the way in which food and drinks consumed throughout the day pass through your body.  

Remedies for Morning Sickness at Night

Suffering with night-time nausea can be an extremely isolating experience. While the rest of your family and significant other snoozes away peacefully, you’re likely to find yourself curled up in a heap on the bathroom floor or crouched over the toilet pan, battling with waves of extreme nausea. Sound familiar? We feel your pain but fear not!

There are a number of remedies that will help you to alleviate that pesky night-time nausea and regain your evening peace:

1. Consider switching up your nightcap

Does your night-time routine consist of hunkering down on the sofa in front of the tele with something warm and comforting? A hot drink before bed can be a great way to relax you and induce sleep, but if you’re keen to ward of night-time nausea, consider swapping out your usual tea for something different – specifically hot ginger. It’s an effective remedy because of two important compounds found in ginger – gingerols and shogaols – that support your digestive system and promote stomach emptying, which will reduce those sickly feelings.

Medical studies have shown that ginger can help to ward off pregnancy-related nausea, making it a beneficial (and healthy) way to reduce your evening morning sickness – and it can do more than just help you beat the queasiness. Other health benefits of ginger include lowering of cholesterol and reducing your risk of certain types of cancer.

Try our award winning Queasy Days Tea which is formulated by our herbalist with Ginger

2. Be mindful of your evening meals

Throughout your pregnancy it’s important to fuel yourself in a healthy and fulfilling way and to never deny yourself of the foods you love. If you’re struggling with night-time nausea though, look to your evening meals, as what you’re choosing to fill up on at dinner times could be worsening your pregnancy-related nausea.

You’re best to steer clear of highly fatty foods like red meat and whole-milk dairy products like cheese because these are much harder for you to digest. Similarly, fried, acidic and overly rich foods can wreak havoc for your digestive system and can even cause pregnancy gas.

When it comes to evening mealtimes, consider filling your plate with complex carbs like rice and pasta, as well as lean sources of protein such as salmon and chicken – and don’t forget those veggies!

3. Seek out sensational smells

One of the first signs of early pregnancy is an increased sense of smell, medically referred to as hyperosmia. If you are suffering with hyperosmia, you will likely find certain smells repulsive, overly strong and nausea-inducing. This can become particularly challenging during the evenings when you are likely to be cooking and preparing food.

To alleviate your night-time nausea, consider opting for cold foods like salads and prepared meats and fish items which typically produce less aromas than hot foods.

Keep windows open to air out your space, and you could even consider investing in an aromatherapy diffuser for use in your bedroom. Cinnamon, lemon, ginger and mint are all scents that are likely to alleviate your night-time nausea as opposed to aggravate it.

Try our award winning ultra-handy & convenient Aromatherapy Nasal Inhaler stick, which is 100% natural and made with refreshing nausea beating essential oils...


  • Soothing Ginger
  • Settling Spearmint
  • Uplifting Grapefruit

4. Prepare for the worst with bedtime snacks

You’d be surprised how quickly you’ll come to terms with your body’s cues when it comes to night-time nausea, and if you feel like sickness is likely to strike, the best thing you can do is ensure you are prepared. Hunger during pregnancy is something that can lead to feelings of nausea, and if you are waking up frequently throughout the night, it can help to have something accessible to nibble on that may help to suppress that nauseas sensation. Dry biscuits like digestives or savoury crackers are both ideal options.

Other Tips for Managing Night-time Nausea

It really is a case of trial and error when it comes to beating morning sickness!

If none of our nausea remedies seem to be working, check out our ‘quick tips’ for beating that night-time nausea:

  • Correct your sleeping position by ensuring your head is propped up with two pillows. This will prevent acid reflux, a key cause of night-time nausea
  • Chug on plenty of water to ensure you reduce the risk of indigestion, another common cause of night-time nausea
  • Seek out foods high in vitamin B12 and B6, both known to help with pregnancy-related nausea (Try our B6 Bon Bons or B6 Ginger Gins)
  • Eat dinner earlier (think no later than 6pm) to aid with your digestion and with reducing acid reflux


Frustrating as it may be, it’s important to recognise that any form of morning sickness can usually be alleviated with a variety of different methods and approaches. Sometimes you’ll need to try more than one to find a combination that really works for you, but night-time nausea is no different. Remain healthy, keep positive and always seek professional help if you are worried about any of your pregnancy symptoms.

We have an ‘Ultimate Morning Sickness Pregnancy Kit’ which includes all of our pregnancy sickness and nausea fighting products here in one place – a perfect place to start testing out what works for you


