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June 10, 2023 6 min read


The NHS define morning sickness as nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, but did you know that morning sickness can actually occur at any time of the day?

Symptoms naturally vary from woman to woman, so while some will experience vomiting, others may only experience other symptoms, such as an aversion to certain foods.

The typical ‘timeline’ that most women will experience when it comes to morning sickness will see them experiencing early pregnancy symptoms of morning sickness at around 4-6 weeks, with symptoms generally clearing up and most women feeling better by their second trimester.

As with everything pregnancy-related, symptoms and experiences are very individual, but if you are concerned about disappearing morning sickness, especially at the 7-week mark, we’re here to offer assistance, advice and reassurance.

Possible reasons for sudden relief from morning sickness

You’ve been running to the bathroom, retching and struggling with a sick feeling that doesn’t seem to subside. Then, suddenly, your symptoms stop? Wondering why? There could be a variety of factors at play.

1. Fluctuating hormone levels

Women’s hormones are constantly fluctuating, so throw pregnancy and morning sickness into the mix and things get even more chaotic! Research tends to suggest that human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is responsible for morning sickness, a hormone that is produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

Other hormones are flooding your body during your pregnancy too, and changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone could be responsible for your fluctuating symptoms. 

2. Individual variation in symptoms

Symptoms of morning sickness vary from person to person, so it’s important not to compare your experiences to those around you who have a different journey with their symptoms. Sometimes your morning sickness will go through stages of stopping and starting, and that can be normal and healthy.

You may even be the lucky 20% who don't experience nausea in pregnancy, but the lack of symptoms can even be a worry and if you are worried its important to ask your health practitioner.

3. Genetic and environmental factors

Lifestyle and genetics sometimes might play a role in your morning sickness having suddenly stopped. Where you live and work, your lifestyle and daily routine could all have an impact. Perhaps something in your place of work was causing sickness, but you’re taking some time off – a perfect explanation for your sudden relief! 

Is It Normal for Morning Sickness to Stop at 7 Weeks?

When it comes to pregnancy, it’s important to recognise that what feels ‘normal’ for you may feel different or strange to others. If you’re wondering why your morning sickness may have stopped after seven weeks, there could be several factors at play....

Variation in pregnancy experiences

Have you ever been speaking to a friend or relative about their experience of something and realised that the way youexperienced this thing was completely different?

It’s important to keep this in mind when contemplating your pregnancy. Your experience will be different to those around you, so don’t feel bad about that.

Possible reasons for the change in symptoms

If you are currently pregnant, it’s probably fair to say that any small change in your symptoms or circumstance is something that you notice acutely and cause worry and concern.

At seven weeks your just over half-way into your first trimester, therefore just the stage you are at in your journey could be the reason behind your change in symptoms. It’s perfectly normal for morning sickness to ‘ebb and flow’ in those early stages of pregnancy.

When to Be Concerned

Your pregnancy is a magical journey filled with many precious milestones, but it’s important not to lose sight of the fact that your body is going through massive changes. Ensure that you know the signs to be aware of in the case of any serious pregnancy complications.

Symptoms of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy

It's hard not to worry sometimes and even convince yourself you have had a miscarriage, especially if you have unfortunately experienced pregnancy loss before it can be hard to relax and enjoy the pregnancy journey.

If you are concerned that you may be experiencing a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy?

It’s important you seek urgent medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms or are concerned

Symptoms of miscarriage include:

  • Cramping and pain in your lower tummy
  • A discharge of fluid or tissue from your vagina
  • Bleeding
  • Back pain
  • Morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms inexplicably disappear

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Lower back pain
  • Tummy pain located low down on one side
  • Pain in the tip of your shoulder

Sudden disappearance of all pregnancy symptoms

As symptoms fluctuate, it’s natural to feel anxious, edgy and to have pregnancy concerns.

All of your pregnancy symptoms disappearing at the same time is naturally very concerning and is certainly something to be mindful of. While some women experience very minor symptoms, most women become very in tune with their bodies during pregnancy.

If you notice that all of your symptoms have cleared up, including morning sickness, breast tenderness and fatigue, it could be a sign that your hormones are rapidly dropping, which could indicate a miscarriage or other pregnancy complications, do seek medical advice if this happens. 

Importance of prenatal care and regular check-ups

Prenatal care is the healthcare and advice you receive whilst pregnant, and it’s very important to attend all appointments and check-ups.

By having scheduled meetings with a healthcare professional when you reach different pregnancy milestones, can help to ensure that any issues or concerns are detected and addressed at the most appropriate stage.

When you consider that babies of mothers who don’t opt for prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight, the importance of these check ups becomes more apparent. 

 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

While many women look to overhaul their lifestyle and make healthier choices when they are trying to conceive, it’s just as important to adopt and maintain healthy habits while you are pregnant.

Balanced diet and proper hydration

A balanced diet is the cornerstone of any healthy lifestyle and eating well and staying hydrated during pregnancy will ensure that you baby grows at the expected rate and remains healthy too.

This is going to look different at different stages of your pregnancy, but throughout you should be prioritising whole foods and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

As your pregnancy progresses, you are advised to consume plenty of foods rich in iron such as chicken or green leafy vegetables.

Also eating little and often has also been shown to provide nausea relief for some women.

Regular exercise and rest

Adopting a strenuous exercise regime during pregnancy is certainly not advised, but if you already lead a healthy life that incorporates regular exercise, there is no reason to stop any form of movement you enjoy.

As your pregnancy progresses you may find more intense forms of exercise, such as HIIT, are off the cards, but listen to your body and speak to fitness and health professionals for advice.

If you want to remain active during late pregnancy, low impact sessions such as walking and swimming are advised.

Move in ways you enjoy but remember to prioritise rest and adequate sleep to allow your body to recover.

Take nice walks in nature or on the beach which are also good for your wellbeing.

Prenatal vitamins and supplements

While you can get most nutrients your body needs from a balanced and healthful diet, during pregnancy you may fall short in a few key areas.

Your body will need more folic acid and iron during your pregnancy to keep your baby healthy and to prevent neural tube defects in your baby. You can get both in over-the-counter supplements, so speak to your local pharmacist.

If you are suffering from Pregnancy Sickness we do have a wide range of products that are natural, contain vitamin B6 which is known to help nausea: See our full range here

Myrtle & Maude Peppermint Oil Vitamin B6 Bon Bons

Stress management and self-care

It’s natural to feel stressed, so take small steps to manage your stress by practising some pregnancy self-care.

It's important to try relaxation techniques such as prenatal yoga, meditation take a nice bath.

Alternatively, you may consider attending childbirth classes that provide you with all the details about what to expect from labour. Some women find this knowledge reassuring as they due date approaches.

Try our Pregnancy Therapeutic bath soaks to help rest & relax


Perhaps the most important lesson to remember and learn when pregnant is this – everyone is different!

No two pregnancy journeys are the same, so if you experience fluctuating symptoms or a morning sickness timeline that differs to what your friends and family members have experienced, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong.

The most important thing you can do for both your physical and mental health throughout pregnancy is to stay informed, be mindful or your symptoms and foster consistent and open communication with healthcare professionals. 

You may be a lucky one where you haven't experienced morning sickness or it dropped off at the end of trimester one but some unfortunate women experience morning sickness beyond the 12 week mark and if that's you and the pesky nausea is still lurking around try one of our best sellers: Vitamin B6 Ginger Gins

Mamma you got this!

