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May 29, 2023 6 min read

Morning Sickness in the Third Trimester

Severe nausea, sickness and an aversion to certain foods and smells. Sound familiar? These are the most common symptoms of morning sickness, and yes, odds are they are going to impact you at some point during your pregnancy. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Defined by the NHS as nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, morning sickness is something that affects 80% of pregnant women, making it one of the most common pregnancy discomforts. Generally speaking, morning sickness will strike before nine weeks and symptoms tend to improve when you hit the three-month milestone.

Morning sickness during the first trimester is incredibly common, mainly because of hormonal changes that occur during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Third trimester nausea and vomiting are less common, and it can be challenging to deal with, especially with an ever-expanding bump!

Luckily, we have the lowdown on how to combat morning sickness that persists beyond your first trimester, ensuring that you know the best ways for managing morning sickness.

Also....we have a great selection of natural nausea battling products that have great reviews from mummies-to-be, check out the collection we offer HERE


Causes of morning sickness in the third trimester

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing morning sickness in your third trimester and knowing them will help you manage your symptoms effectively.

Hormonal changes

Hormones flood your body throughout every stage of pregnancy, and it could be changes that occur specifically during the third trimester that are responsible for your morning sickness. Specifically, estrogen will hit peak levels in your body at this time, and while for some women this can result in swelling around the feet and ankles, for others it may mean more pronounced nausea and vomiting.

Growing uterus

Did you know that during your third trimester your uterus will finish growing and will have expanded to the size of a watermelon!!

When you are full term, amazingly your uterus will stretch from the pubic area to the bottom of your ribcage. Naturally, your growing uterus will put pressure on your body, and this can result in varying symptoms including aches, discomfort and feelings of nausea.

When to consult a doctor

Though experiencing morning sickness is completely normal, there are times when your symptoms could be a cause for concern, and if you experience nausea that lasts the entire day and you are unable to keep anything down, even water, it’s important that you seek professional help.

Remedies and Tips for Relief

No matter what stage of pregnancy you are at, there are steps you can take and adjustments you can make to your lifestyle to ensure that you can control your morning sickness and prevent it from controlling you.

Diet and meal adjustments

Adjusting our diet throughout our life is sometimes necessary, and small tweaks during pregnancy can promote third trimester health and keep morning sickness at bay. Eating ‘little and often’ has long been hailed as a healthy approach to take, and it could help to control your morning sickness.

Another tried and tested approach is adding carbonated drinks to your diet, which can reduce the acidity of the stomach. Choose sugar free options of consider infusing sparkling water with fresh fruit or cordial for healthful options.


Hydration and electrolyte balance

Electrolytes are essential minerals – think sodium, potassium and calcium – that are needed by the body for a multitude of key bodily functions.

While imbalanced electrolytes won’t necessarily be causing your nausea and vomiting, ensuring that they are balanced could provide some morning sickness relief.

Vomiting, increased urination and even your growing baby can all contribute to depleting electrolytes, so replacing them and maintaining hydrated is crucial.

If you are keen to boost your electrolytes, visit your pharmacist who will be able to recommend an oral rehydration solution (OHS) to help you replenish any lost nutrients and ensure you stay healthy and hydrated.

We do a range of pregnancy teas for the different trimesters, but we have one specifically for sickness & nausea: Queasy Days Tea

A great tip if you are not feeling hot drinks is to serve it cold. Make the tea as you normally would so the herbs can steep in the hot water and then let it cool and serve with ice or place in the fridge for later.


Herbal and natural remedies

Managing morning sickness in your third trimester can for some be a process of trial and error, and if you like to take an ‘au naturel’ approach to health, why not consider a herbal or natural solution to your morning sickness.

Ginger is a tried and tested solution to morning sickness and can be consumed in a variety of ways (think teas and capsules). Similarly, both lemon and peppermint are often hailed for their natural, nausea reducing effects.

Try our Vitamin B6 Ginger Gins or our Vitamin B6 Peppermint oil Bon Bons


Acupressure and relaxation techniques

Late pregnancy nausea can certainly result in feelings of stress and anxiety, so practising relaxation techniques may help to alleviate your symptoms in some cases.

Consider creating a connection between your mind and body with a pregnancy yoga or breathwork class, both of which can help you feel centred and calm. Alternatively, lots of women find great success with acupressure.

If a acupressure/acupuncture practitioner are a little out of your budget you can consider our budget friendly 'Nausea Acupressure Wrist Bands'


Over the counter and prescription medications

If your morning sickness persists throughout your pregnancy or returns in your third trimester, you may want to consider how over the counter or prescription medications could help you manage your symptoms. Generally Cyclizine is the first type of medication that will be prescribed, and it can be either injected or taken orally. But please talk to your doctor or midwife before taking as they know your underlying health conditions and your pregnancy journey thus far.

Coping strategies and support....

Communication with loved ones and healthcare professionals

Late pregnancy morning sickness can feel like an isolating experience, but it’s important to reach out to others and seek support. Friends, family and health professionals all form a network that you can rely on for reassurance and support throughout every stage of your pregnancy journey.

Importance of rest

With so much to plan for with the arrival of a new baby, sometimes rest and recovery can feel as though it’s at the bottom of your priority list – but rest couldn’t be more important, especially if you are suffering with late pregnancy morning sickness.

Prioritise sleep, slow down at weekends and consider including naps into your daily routine to allow your body time to recover.


Seeking support from fellow expectant mothers

Nobody will be able to offer you support and understanding in the same way that an expectant mother will. It’s likely they have also suffered with morning sickness so will be able to share in your difficulties, and perhaps even offers some advice regarding morning sickness remedies that have worked for them.

If you’re lucky enough to have friends or family who are pregnant at the same time as you, great. If not, consider joining online or in person pregnancy group. These communities are sure to make the experience of pregnancy and morning sickness feel a lot less isolating.

Maintaining a positive mindset

Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but a positive mindset can work wonders if you are struggling with pregnancy morning sickness in the latter stages of pregnancy. If you feel that your outlook has become overwhelmingly negative, consider steps you can take to feel more positive. Affirmations, self-care and journaling about your feelings are all tried and tested approaches.


When to seek medical attention (Persistent or worsening symptoms)

Though symptoms tend to fluctuate when you are dealing with morning sickness, if you feel that your symptoms are getting a lot worse or simply not improving at all, it’s time to consult a doctor or talk to your midwife. Sickness that is becoming more aggressive or frequent may need to be checked out, as it could be a sign of hyperemesis gravidarum (HG).

Signs of dehydration or complications

Persistent sickness can result in dehydration because fluids are being expelled from your body. Signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty and lightheaded, a dry mouth and tiredness. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Importance of regular prenatal check ups

Prenatal care is important for addressing any problems that are occurring in your pregnancy or also for identifying preventative measures that can support you throughout your pregnancy.

These meetings will help to avoid complications during birth and after, so scheduling regular appointments is important. Ensure that you don’t miss appointments by freeing up time in your daily routine and making sure that you raise any concerns you have about your morning sickness during these meetings.



The causes of late pregnancy morning sickness can be as vast, it’s important to remain calm and seek support from those around you.

Remember, morning sickness will pass, but your health and wellbeing are both constants that need to be addressed with care and compassion. Research your options, find something that works for you and seek support from all the people in your life – you’ve got this!
