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May 17, 2023 6 min read

When you are suffering with morning sickness, the internet can feel like a bit of a minefield. A plethora of advice and reassurance, but which do you take?

When it comes to finding remedies and techniques to help alleviate your symptoms, sometimes you must operate a trial-and-error approach.

Luckily, we have rounded up the very best of morning sickness cures right here, so whether you are in search of an at-home solution or are willing to venture out and sample specialist treatments, we are sure you’ll find something to suit your symptoms and help you to feel your best pregnant self again.

As the name suggests, morning sickness is a thoroughly unpleasant side effect of pregnancy that all women would like to avoid if they could. Unfortunately, that isn’t always possible. Statistics have revealed that as many as 7 out of 10 pregnant women will experience some form of morning sickness during their pregnancy.

Morning sickness and its associated symptoms tend to vary from woman to woman, but there are some side effects that seem to stick. Nausea and vomiting are (sadly) common side effects of this pregnancy-related concern, which is thought to be primarily caused by fluctuating hormones that occur during the first trimester.

Overall health and wellbeing are important throughout your pregnancy, which is why seeking out remedies for your sickness is so important.



There’s no need to believe that you need to search far and wide or even venture from the comfort of your home to cure your morning sickness. In fact, many magical cures could be hiding away in your kitchen or bathroom cupboards.

1. Ginger

Long hailed as a miracle cure for nausea and vomiting, ginger is an ideal antidote to morning sickness. Inexpensive and safe, ginger boasts a number of properties which make it ideal if you are struggling with morning sickness. Consuming ginger can support healthy digestion, ensuring that food doesn’t remain for longer than necessary in the stomach, which will in turn ward off feelings of nausea. The great thing about ginger is that there are so many ways to ingest it. Consider sipping ginger tea, snacking on candied ginger for a sweet treat or adding the fresh root to your favourite smoothies.

Try our Morning Sickness Vitamin B6 Ginger Gins

2. Acupressure

Acupressure, a technique whereby pressure is applied to several different parts of the body, can help with various different ailments including morning sickness. The technique is easy and can be effective, but you’re best to do your research to find out the best pressure points to help alleviate nausea and vomiting.

Try our Morning Sickness Acupressure Wristbands

3. Peppermint

Calming and mild, peppermint is perfect if you are seeking the very best natural remedies for morning sickness. Amazingly, peppermint boasts both numbing and calming effects which, when combined, relax your stomach muscles and enable bile to break down fats more efficiently.

Consider relaxing with a peppermint tea or alternatively massaging several drops on your stomach or wrists to soothe nausea. (Do not apply peppermint essential oil directly onto skin ensure it is measured properly and mixed with a carrier oil)

We have lots of amazing products for Morning Sickness that contain Peppermint: Check them out here

4. Vitamin B6

Lots of people these days have added vitamins and supplements to their daily routine to support their health, but did you know that Vitamin B6 could help you if you are dealing with nausea and vomiting due to morning sickness?

Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient that the body requires because it helps the body to use and store energy from food effectively, but it can also support with morning sickness as it encourages the body to process certain amino acids, which in turn can reduce feelings of nausea.

While you can take a supplement to ensure you are meeting the daily requirements for Vitamin B6, eating a healthy and balanced diet should ensure that your body is getting an appropriate daily dose. Healthy sources of Vitamin B6 include brown rice, lean meats, avocado and nuts.

Try our Morning Sickness Vitamin B6 Bon Bons



Though there are various supplements you can try that can aid with reducing nausea and vomiting, sometimes the simplest steps are the most effective. Consider these easily implemented lifestyle changes for managing your morning sickness.

1. Hydration

We all know the merits of remaining properly hydrated, but did you know that consuming enough fluids can also help with morning sickness?

When you are struggling to keep things down, you are at greater risk of dehydration, which is why drinking the prescribed eight glasses of water each day is imperative for remaining hydrated and settling your stomach after sickness.

Lots of women find that plain water doesn’t sit well on their stomach during pregnancy, so you could always opt for herbal teas as a healthful, delicious alternative or a refreshing glass of dilute juice.

Check out the range of Trimester teas we offer here


2. Eating smaller, frequent meals

Though traditionally we tend to eat three meals a day, when you are battling morning sickness it can help to adjust your eating schedule and adopt a ‘little and often approach’.

Rather than three large meals, consider five-six smaller, balanced portions for managing your nausea and vomiting. This approach will stabilise your blood sugar levels and helps to ensure that you never feel hungry or uncomfortably full, both of which can exasperate morning sickness.


3. Avoiding trigger foods

Most of us will have heard a pregnant woman talking about foods and smells that peak their morning sickness. When you are suffering yourself, it’s important to pay attention to your body’s cues so that you can get to work avoiding trigger foods – those items that make your morning sickness worse.

These could be foods that are overly sweet, spicy or fatty, but your triggers are unique to you. An effective method for identifying and eliminating your triggers is to keep a food diary and record how you feel after every meals.

4. Over the Counter and Prescription Medications for Morning Sickness

If you aren’t finding much success with at home methods, you’ll probably be relieved to be reminded that there are several over the counter and prescription medications that have been proven to help with morning sickness symptoms.

But always speak to your GP/Midwife before taking any over the counter medications.

5. Cyclizine

Cyclizine is generally the first form of morning sickness medication that is prescribed to women struggling with their symptoms.

An anti-sickness medication, Cyclizine works by blocking histamine, a chemical in your brain that leads to feelings of nausea. If your morning sickness is not improving, consider speaking to your GP about whether this medication would be suitable for you.

If Cyclizine does not work for you, Prochlorperazine and Metoclopramide are other possible alternatives. Though all of these medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy, possible side effects can include drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation and headaches and always discuss with you GP before taking.

6. Alternative Therapies for Morning Sickness

Not only can these alternative therapies help with your morning sickness, they will also encourage you to prioritise self-care and perhaps find new ways to relax.

Try our relaxing Therapeutic Pregnancy Bath Soaks

7. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a safe, all-natural approach to managing your morning sickness that many women have found relief with.

It works by increasing the secretion of endorphins and targets the part of your brain responsible for nausea and vomiting. One of the best pressure points is considered to be on the stomach, but your midwife should be able to advise you on this method if you are keen to seek support with Acupuncture.

8. Hypnotherapy

For some women, the experience of morning sickness can result in increased feelings of stress and anxiety. If you are struggling to find calm and relaxation throughout your pregnancy, hypnotherapy could be a great option for you.

During sessions a combination of relaxation techniques are implemented, achieving a calming effect on the body that in some cases have eliminated morning sickness altogether.

If it helps you chill out, it’s got to be worth a try!

9. Aromatherapy

While certain smells and fragrances may worsen your morning sickness, others could be responsible for curing it.

Aromatherapy is a holistic approach, thought to alleviate nausea and vomiting by using natural plant extracts, promoting health and wellbeing in the process – bonus points!

The trick is finding a scent that works for you. As mentioned earlier, ginger and peppermint are both known for their healing properties when used to treat morning sickness, so consider trying these first before testing out other scents such as lavender and chamomile.

Inhaling straight from the bottle is great if your morning sickness strikes while you are on the go, or alternatively add to your favourite diffuser at home for a calming evening effect.

Please do your research before inhaling or using any essential oils as there are certain essential oils that are a 'NO GO' when pregnant.

Try out our handy on the go Nausea Essential Oil Nasal Inhalation Stick



Morning sickness is no walk in the park, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that cures are available to you – you just have to be willing to find what works for you.

Seek advice, test out the options mentioned in this post and remember to not lose sight of the most important fact: your morning sickness will be gone soon, and in its place, your beautiful bundle of joy.
