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September 25, 2023 5 min read

Delicious, healthful, and crammed with potential pregnancy advantages – not heard of the benefits of sipping on raspberry leaf tea yet?

We’ve got the lowdown on everything this powerhouse tea full of natural properties has to offer, from brewing the perfect cup to uterus strengthening claims.

Pregnant women drinking raspberry leaf tea


Raspberry leaf tea – a brief history

Raspberry leaf tea, derived from the leaves of the red raspberry plant (Rubus idaeus), has a rich historical use dating back centuries.

Indigenous peoples in North America used it to ease childbirth discomfort. In Europe, it gained popularity in the 17th century as a women's tonic, believed to alleviate menstrual pain and aid in pregnancy. Traditional herbal medicine also valued it for its potential to strengthen the uterus, therefore aiding healthy labour.

Benefits of raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy....

Today, raspberry leaf tea benefits are well-known, and it is thought to offer several potential health perks, as do many herbal remedies during pregnancy.

Muscle toning and uterine health: Raspberry leaf tea is hailed for its potential to tone uterine muscles and promote uterine health during pregnancy. The effective herbal remedy is believed to strengthen the uterine walls, potentially facilitating more effective contractions during labour and in the process making labour easier. Additionally, it may reduce the risk of postpartum haemorrhage by aiding in the uterus's ability to contract after childbirth.

Nutrient content beneficial for pregnancy: Raspberry leaf tea boasts a nutrient-rich profile that can be beneficial to you during your pregnancy. Crammed full of essential vitamins like vitamin C, E, and B vitamins, along with minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron, raspberry leaf tea is the perfect addition to your healthful morning routine, or perhaps the ideal companion to an evening of relaxation. These nutrients support overall maternal health, aid in the development of the foetus, and can help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts.


When to Start Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea in Pregnancy

Many women use raspberry leaf tea as a method of natural labour preparation and to jumpstart labour, perhaps why increasing consumption when nearing due date is common practise.

Consuming Raspberry Leaf tea around 32 weeks of pregnancy is recommended, drinking before 32 weeks is not advisable!

Some women gradually increase the frequency and strength of the tea they progress into the latter stages of the third trimester.

Get prepped for your third trimester


Recommendations for traditional practices

Traditional methods of preparing and using raspberry leaf tea have been passed down through generations and are still practiced today. Traditional wisdom often involves starting with a mild tea and gradually increasing the strength and frequency as pregnancy progresses. In some cultures, raspberry leaf tea is also consumed in the postpartum period to support recovery and uterine health.

Current research findings

New studies are often being conducted, though there aren’t many particularly recent ones surrounding the effectiveness of raspberry leaf tea. Some older research was able to find that raspberry leaf tea can reduce time of the second stage of labour and may also reduce interventions and complications associated with childbirth. 

There are findings suggesting that the raspberry leaf herb consumed by women during their pregnancy can shorten labour with no identified side effects for the women or their babies.

One study conclusions also suggest that with a group of women who ingested raspberry leaf might be less likely to sustain an artificial rupture of their membranes, require a c-section, forceps or vacuum birth rather than the women in the control group who did not ingest Raspberry Leaf herb (Pub Med)

Claims on raspberry leaf tea


Choosing the Right Raspberry Leaf Tea for You

When it comes to shopping for a raspberry leaf tea, it’s important to choose something that aligns with your own health and wellness values. To reap full health benefits, opt for organic, pesticide-free options to minimise potential chemical exposure.

You should always check the ingredients list to ensure it contains only raspberry leaves without additives or other herbs, so the ingredients should state to contain 100% Raspberry Leaf.

Look for reputable brands known for quality and safety. You may also want to consider the form your tea comes in: loose leaf or tea bags, depending on your preference.

Our 100% Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea certainly fits the bill: certified organic and vegan! The tea bag is made from 100% biodegradable material...and it’s an ethical and natural option sure to help you on the count down to the big PUSH!

Organic Raspberry leag tea


Myrtle & Maude Top Tips for brewing:

Our raspberry leaf brewing tips will help to ensure you sip on the perfect cup every single time.

Pop 1 tea bag in the cup and pour over boiling water (and leave to brew 4-5 minutes. For the best taste, cover the cup while brewing. 

  1. To ensure optimum water temperature boil water and let it cool slightly, as boiling water can degrade some of the beneficial compounds in the leaves.
  2. Longer steeping times can make the tea stronger, but don't steep for too long to prevent bitterness. (Some people leave their tea bag in the cup and drink - this is ok but the taste will be strong)
  3. Sweeten as desired, raspberry leaf tea can have a slightly bitter taste, some people like to add sweeteners to their tea to take the edge off. We suggest adding a dash of honey or maple syrup, a squeeze of fresh lemon or a sprinkle of sugar.
Cup of raspberry leaf tea


Possible Side Effects and Precautions

Raspberry leaf tea is generally considered safe for most pregnant women when consumed in moderation and following recommended guidelines. However, it's always important to discuss drinking Raspberry Leaf tea with your midwife or health practitioner as everyone's medical history is different and you may be taking medication so it's always important to err on the side of caution and consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that raspberry leaf tea will not interfere with your medication/medical history.

Some individuals may experience loose stools or diarrhoea as a side effect, especially if they are sensitive to the tannins present in the tea, which is why it’s best to start with a small does and gradually increase the amount of raspberry leaf tea in your daily routine.

While allergic reactions to raspberry leaf tea is rare, it’s not impossible, particularly if you have known allergies to plants in the Rosaceae family, like strawberries or roses, so exercise caution if this is the case.

When to Avoid Raspberry Leaf Tea

Though raspberry leaf tea is generally safe for most women to consume, however remember, it's typically recommended to avoid raspberry leaf tea till you reach 32 weeks to prevent any potential stimulation of uterine contractions, which could increase the risk of miscarriage.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy due to conditions such as placenta previa, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or a history of preterm labour, you should discuss the matter with your healthcare provider before consuming Raspberry Leaf Tea.

Dosage guidelines

Many healthcare providers suggest starting with one cup of mild raspberry leaf tea per day from 32 weeks. You can gradually increase the strength or frequency if desired, increasing the amount to 2-3 cups per day if recommended by your healthcare provider. The strength of the tea can vary, and it's a good idea to start with a milder brew and gradually increase the steeping time to make it stronger if needed.


Every pregnancy is an opportunity to thrive and marvel at all that your body is capable of, and anything you can add to your routine or diet to promote wellness and health is worth it.

Perhaps your greatest resource during your pregnancy though are your friends, family and other expectant mamas. Rely on them for advice and guidance, particularly when it comes to adding new things into the mix like raspberry leaf tea.

Find solutions that suit you and always make safety your top priority by consulting with doctors and healthcare professionals throughout your journey.

Best raspberry leaf tea for pregnancy reviews
prepare for labour
