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December 14, 2023 6 min read


Mild, earthy, comforting; these are just a few of the words we would use to describe raspberry leaf tea. Known for more than just its delightful flavours and comforting aromas, raspberry leaf tea has long been hailed for its range of benefits and has been used in traditional medicines for centuries. But what are the real benefits, and how can consuming raspberry leaf tea in the third trimester of pregnancy support your body, baby and general sense of wellbeing?

If you’re looking for an immune boosting tea that is delicious and beneficial, look no further than raspberry leaf tea.

Nutritional content

When it times to shake up your wellness routine, it’s important to get clued up about what exactly you’re putting in your body. One of your obvious questions you’re bound to ask is what is raspberry leaf tea good for?

It all comes down to the nutritional profile of the herbal remedy and the various components that make raspberry leaf tea a true health powerhouse:


We know we should all be consuming more nutritious foods, so which vitamins are present in raspberry leaf tea?

Raspberry leaf tea for pregnancy

Vitamin C: Raspberry leaf tea contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports the immune system and helps the body absorb iron.Research suggests it can also help to protect healthy cells, as well as supporting the maintenance of glowing skin.

Vitamin E: Small amounts of Vitamin E are also present in raspberry leaf tea, which is a fat-soluble antioxidant known for supporting the body and strengthening its immune system and helping to ward of illness and disease, which is great when your body needs to be fighting fit, such as when you are pregnant.  

Vitamin A: Raspberry leaf tea might contain trace amounts of vitamin A, which is essential for vision, immune function, and skin health.

Minerals: They can be defined as those vital components found in food that our body needs to function.

Calcium: Important for bone health, nerve function, and muscle contraction.

Iron: Essential for the formation of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Magnesium: Involved in various physiological processes, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and bone health, magnesium supports your body in a multitude of ways.

Potassium: Potassium is important for maintaining electrolyte balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Women’s health

Maintaining your health as a woman can sometimes feel like a balancing act. From hormone fluctuations to pregnancy, periods and the menopause, there are many complex elements that sometimes mean that feeling our best can be a challenge.

Herbal teas and women’s health have long been hailed as a match made in heaven, but what physical and mental rewards will you reap from consuming raspberry leaf tea?

Menstrual health: ‘Time of the month’ symptoms vary from person to person, but one of the most common (and perhaps unpleasant) period-related side effects are menstrual cramps. During your period, your uterus contracts, allowing your body to expel its lining. Though research is limited, some believe that consuming raspberry leaf tea may help ease menstrual cramps and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy: Raspberry leaf tea benefits are impressive, especially when it comes to supporting your body during pregnancy. One of the most significant findings is to do with the effect that raspberry leaf tea has on the body’s uterine muscles. Research has suggested that raspberry leaf tea may help to tone the uterine muscles, which in turn helps to prepare the body for labour. There is also some evidence to suggest that the herbal remedy can reduce the risk of pregnancy complications, though research regarding this is limited.

Postpartum recovery: After childbirth your entire body is in a state of recovery, and the most important thing you can do is respond to your its cues and rest. During the postpartum phase your body can feel as though it is in a state of disorder and some women use raspberry leaf tea to support overall menstrual health, including regulating the menstrual cycle after giving birth.

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Immune system support

Supporting your immune system means protecting you against illness and disease, and while raspberry leaf tea isn’t hailed specifically for protecting the immune system, various components of the herbal tea can certainly support your body and help it be its best.

Firstly, antioxidants such as flavonoids and ellagic acid can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health, and herbal teas like raspberry leaf tea can contribute to your daily fluid intake.

Digestive aid

If you’re keen to identify natural remedies for digestion that support your body from the inside out, raspberry leaf tea may the missing piece of the puzzle.

Raspberry leaves contain tannins, which are a type of polyphenolic compound known for their astringent properties. Astringency can have a mild tightening effect on tissues, and some people believe that this might contribute to a sense of digestive support.

We know that hydration is a major player when it comes to glowing skin and high energy throughout the day, but staying well-hydrated also supports the digestive process and helps prevent issues like constipation. Luckily regular consumption raspberry leaf tea can help to boost your hydration.

hydration in pregnancy

It’s important to remember that responses to herbal teas very from person to person, and some individuals might find that certain herbal teas, including raspberry leaf tea, have a soothing or calming effect on their digestive system.

How to brew loose leaf raspberry leaf tea

Enjoy the therapeutic and calming benefits of brewing raspberry leaf tea and ensure you sip on a perfect cup every time with our essential tips and not to missed additions:

1. Source quality ingredients: If you choose to use loose raspberry leaves, make sure they are clean and of high quality, from trusted and reputable sources.

2. Steep steadily: Steeping time will impact the strength of your tea, and while you may have your personal preferences, we recommend steeping for 5 minutes for a flavoursome, aromatic tea. The longer you steep your leaves the stronger the tea will be.

3. Add something sweet: While raspberry leaf tea is delicious on its own some people do find it can be a little bitter so you can include various additions to your tea to help enhance its flavour. Honey, agave syrup or maple syrup will all enhance raspberry leaf tea’s mild, fruity flavour.

If you prefer convenience, you can use pre-packaged raspberry leaf tea bags, which come in biodegradable tea bags; we have your back...

How to make raspberry leaf tea

Potential side effects and precautions

Though we may always think that any form of herbal infusions and wellness are going to be entirely safe, however its key to point out it governed by 'food standard agency' not a medicinal governing it’s important to consult with a medical and healthcare professional whenever you adopt a new routine or begin any wellness schedule. When it comes to raspberry leaf tea side effects, here are a few of things to consider:

AllergiesIndividuals with allergies to plants in the Rosaceae family (which includes raspberries) may be allergic to raspberry leaf tea. If you have known allergies to berries in this family, it's advisable to avoid raspberry leaf tea.

Uterine Stimulation: As previously mentioned, raspberry leaf tea is associated with uterine toning and is traditionally used during the later stages of pregnancy.

While some believe it may help prepare the uterus for labour, there's limited scientific evidence to support this. Pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before consuming raspberry leaf tea, to ensure it's safe for their specific situation.

Is key to note that experts advise not drinking raspberry leaf tea until you reach 32 weeks pregnant and to start with drinking 1 cup daily and gradually increasing your intake to 3 cups as you reach your due date. (The Honest Midwife)

Raspberry leaf tea in the third trimester

Hypoglycaemia: There is some concern that raspberry leaf tea might lower blood sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes or hypoglycaemia should monitor their blood sugar levels closely and consult with a healthcare professional before consuming raspberry leaf tea regularly.

Digestive Discomfort: In some cases, herbal teas can cause mild digestive discomfort, including bloating or gas. If you experience any digestive issues, consider reducing the amount of tea consumed, we advise to incorporate a new herbal tea in your diet slowly so start with 1 cup daily and gradually increase and monitor the effects.


Whether you choose to enjoy raspberry leaf tea to support your pregnancy, general wellbeing or just as your wind down drink, be sure to reap all the benefits that brewing this ancient remedy truly holds.

buy raspberry leaf tea
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