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Breastfeeding fun facts...
1. Breastfeeding burns between 500 and 600 calories per day. This means that some mums are able to lose weight without extra exercise
2. Colostrum (your first milk) contains special proteins that coat your baby's intestinal tract to protect baby from harmful bacteria right from the start
3. Your brain releases the hormones prolactin and oxytocin during breastfeeding, helping you bond with your baby and relieve those normal feelings of stress and anxiety
4. Breastfeeding mothers have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and postpartum depression. And the longer a woman breastfeeds her baby, the more protection she receives
5. Breastfeeding gives your baby a great start by reducing the risk of illnesses, including ear infections, respiratory infections, and gastroenteritis
The list goes on!

Award Winning
Strengthening post-birth tonic stabilising emotions, helping to replenish energy levels, and promoting the production of breast milk
Renowned breast milk enhancer and in addition to cumin, an excellent digestive herb
Nourishing mineral-rich tonic and to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk
Beneficial for promoting lactation and encouraging healthy breastfeeding
Have the property to stimulate lactation in nursing women
Relax and soothe the nervous and digestive system


Breastfeeding is a natural and beneficial way to provide optimal nutrition and foster a strong bond between the mother and baby. While the benefits are clear, it goes without saying that breastfeeding can still be a highly challenging and emotionally draining skill to master, especially when you are new to motherhood.

Though it can take some getting used to, breastfeeding can be an extremely rewarding aspect of your journey with your new baby. When your new baby arrives, your nurturing instinct will kick in and you will be desperate to provide for your baby in the best way possible. Breast milk is uniquely designed to meet the nutritional needs of infants. It contains essential nutrients, antibodies, and enzymes that help protect the baby against infections, promote healthy growth, and support optimal brain development.

The benefits for baby are clear, and baby feeding offers numerous benefits for the mother as well. It helps the uterus contract, reducing postpartum bleeding and aiding in the recovery process, while also releasing hormones that promote maternal bonding and may reduce the risk of postpartum depression.

Amazingly, nursing your baby the natural way can also provide long-term health benefits, such as a reduced risk of breast and ovarian cancers, as well as osteoporosis. 

In the early days, breastfeeding may require practice and patience and some women find this part of motherhood highly challenging. Because proper positioning and latching are crucial for successful breastfeeding, you should be sure to seek guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare provider to ensure a correct latch and comfortable feeding positions.

Initially, newborns may feed frequently, and it is important to respond to their hunger cues on-demand. Establishing a feeding routine will be crucial in the early stages, and it’s important to keep in mind that your milk supply is produced on a ‘supply and demand’ basis. This means that the more frequently and effectively you are nursing your baby, the more milk your body will produce.

Because nursing a baby naturally can put a lot of pressure on the mother, you may want to also to invest in and learn about pumping and storing your milk. This can be helpful if you ever need to be separated from your baby or are keen to share the feeding responsibilities with a partner of family members.  

Whatever your experience of breastfeeding has or will be, stay patient, positive and well-informed. Every mother’s journey when it comes to nursing their baby is unique and valid.


Breastfeeding can be a magical and rewarding experience for both mother and baby, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges, particularly if a woman is breastfeeding for the first time in her life.

While it is a natural process, many women encounter a variety of challenges along the way, so don’t be disheartened if your breastfeeding journey hasn’t felt like smooth sailing. An extremely common difficulty many women faces is problems with latching; that is, how your baby attaches to your breast to feed. Proper latching is crucial for successful breastfeeding, but some babies may have difficulty latching onto the breast, leading to nipple soreness and inadequate milk transfer. To address this, seek help from a lactation consultant who can guide you on correct positioning and latching techniques. They may suggest different breastfeeding positions and provide tips on how to encourage a deeper latch to ensure comfort for both you and your baby.

You may have heard stories about women with leaking breasts who struggle with an overflowing milk supply, but did you know that some women encounter the opposite problem? A low milk supply can occur because of various factors such as stress, inadequate breastfeeding frequency, or certain medical conditions. To boost milk production, feed your baby frequently and on demand. Ensure you're well-hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and consider using techniques like breast compression or pumping after baby feeding to stimulate milk production. In some cases, a lactation consultant may recommend herbal supplements or medications to increase milk supply. While a low milk supply can cause problems, excessive milk can also pose risks for women keen to breastfeed. Engorgement occurs when the breasts become overly full and painful. It can lead to plugged milk ducts and, if left untreated, may progress to mastitis—an infection in the breast. To relieve engorgement, apply warm compresses before breastfeeding and use cold packs afterward. Massage your breasts to promote milk flow and consider expressing a small amount of milk before feeding to soften the breast. If mastitis develops, consult a healthcare professional who may prescribe antibiotics.

Nipple soreness and cracks are common concerns that women will encounter during baby feeding and can be managed reasonably well at home. After feeding, apply nipple balm or expressed breast milk to soothe and moisturise the nipples. Allow your nipples to air dry and avoid using harsh soaps or lotions that could further irritate them. If the pain persists or worsens, consult a healthcare professional.


When breastfeeding lots of women want to ensure that their diet is a healthful and high-quality as possible. Doing so will help to ensure that you are receiving all the nutrients your body needs while simultaneously making sure that you are providing optimal nutrition to your baby.

 To achieve this, try to opt for nutrient-dense foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals. Consider including foods rich in calcium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D into your daily diet. Good sources include leafy greens, fortified cereals, lean meats, fatty fish (like salmon), eggs, and dairy products.

Many women feel the pressure to ‘bounce back’ to their pre-baby weight, even when they are nursing, but consuming enough calories is also important for your overall health. Breastfeeding requires additional energy, so it's important to eat enough calories to support milk production. However, the exact calorie needs vary for everyone. You may want to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the appropriate calorie intake for your specific needs.

Food is a great source of pleasure and comfort, so while it’s important to fill up on things you love, you may want to consider adding in some foods known to aid healthy nursing. Certain foods are known as "breastfeeding superfoods" due to their potential benefits for milk production and nutrient content. These include oats, barley, quinoa, flaxseeds, fenugreek, almonds, sesame seeds, and leafy greens. Incorporate these foods into your meals and snacks regularly and both you and your baby will reap the benefits. Not only will you feel great, it will also support a regular and nutrient-dense milk supply. Taking care of your body and achieving optimum nutrition is about more than just the food you are eating, and to feel good from the inside out you’ll also want to ensure you are suitably hydrated. Breastfeeding can increase your fluid needs, so it's important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You should try to aim for at least 8 to 10 cups of fluids daily, so keep a water bottle handy and sip slowly throughout the day.

It’s also worth noting that caffeine and alcohol can pass into breast milk, so it's advisable to consume them in moderation. Limit your intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks. If you choose to consume alcohol, it's recommended to do so in moderation and wait a few hours before nursing to support infant health.

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